Start of spring and Norooz preparations!

posted in: Lifestyle | 3

Hi everyone,

March is a very exciting month for me and I hope to pass my joy over to you.

On the 20th of March, the start of spring, Persians all over the world celebrate Norooz (Persian New Year). This ancient tradition requires a lot of arrangements and people would start preparing at least one month ahead of the actual date. One of the main things is about de-cluttering and cleaning your home and I mean proper cleaning 😉 In Farsi we call it “Khooneh tekooni”, which literally means “home shaking”. I think you get the picture how serious this can become ;).

I love, love the idea of starting spring with a perfectly cleaned home. I also thoroughly believe in the saying “a tidy house, a tidy mind”. So for this reason I even got a few days off from work to really take the bull by the horns. I’ve started with my wardrobe first and below you see how I’ve organized my scarves and belts.


All I needed was a container which fits into the wardrobe. I then arranged my rolled up scarves in neat rows within that box.


For my skinny belts I used Primark jewellery hangers, but you could also use regular ones.


What do you do to get ready for the most beautiful season of the year (in my opinion)?

Thank you so much for reading,


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3 Responses

  1. Ina Jaschinski

    Love your post! Ich würde so gern mal Norooz richtig erleben, dein Text ist toll, macht richtig Lust auf den Frühling. Anyay finde ich den 20. März viel logischer um das neue Jahr beginnen, was soll bitte der Quatsch mitten im Winter?!

    • Danke 🙂 Schön dass es dir gefällt. Ich werde in den nächsten Wochen noch oft über Norooz und Frühling posten. Auf diese Weise kannst du Norooz hoffentlich ein bisschen mit mir erleben.

  2. […] Norooz (Persian New Year), […]