New York in plain sight

posted in: New York, Travels, USA | 6

Hi everyone,

I actually wanted to put together a new post about women’s styles in New York. While browsing through my material, I couldn’t let go of some other shots of people, places and funny dogs, which reminded me of how much I miss the city.


It is not unusual to run into a film set while strolling through the city.


A few years ago I watched Ryan Reynolds and Rachel Weisz performing for the movie “Definitely Maybe” :). 


Just by standing at corner on Broadway, you can see so many interesting scenes.


dog Dog-in-bag

For me New York is a city where everyone regardless of backgrounds or origins can instantly feel at home. I love NYC 🙂


Thank you for stopping by and reading,


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6 Responses

  1. Very nice pictures! I like the dogs. The first dog carries the bag, the second one is in the bag 😉

    • Lol, very well spotted! Thank you. There are so many great spots in NYC for photography.

  2. Awesome. I’d also like to stumble into a film set once in a while … I look forward to your next post about women’s fashion in New York!!!


    • Thank you Barbara so much…Then make sure you go for a walk through Soho next time you are in NY.

  3. Mashid your pics just make me feel “come on girl, book a flight to jfk”…

    • Thank you Ina, New York is an inspiring place and I am sure you’d love it too 🙂